
I haven’t blogged in a while. My life has been crazy busy with planned and unplanned events. I was getting so overwhelmed with all that life was throwing at me. I felt like if  I just had more time or if I just had more of me everything would be smoother. I know that  this road wasn’t always going to be easy with him being away . But I am determined to make my family work.  I wasn’t expecting the punches that life has been throwing. But that wouldn’t be life if the unexpected didn’t happen. Right?!

Having my husband away makes it a lot harder because I am now doing the work of two people. My life is  filled with  being a wife,  kids, work , and church. And to add school, meetings, starting a support group and writing  a book along with my core  life activities is enough to make a person tired from just reading this.  It was so busy that I wanted to cut back on something but I physically couldn’t. I even   tried to evaluate things in my life. I knew for sure that I couldn’t cut down on being work church mommy and wife duties.  When I mention wife duties  people look at me like I am crazy. I still  have duties even when he is not here. Praying and encouraging him when things are not the best  is a job in it’s self.  Everything else that I would think about quitting, God  would only respond with move forward.

I would get those occasional people that would say that  your doing  to much  and you need to cut back.  I know that they meant well but those words would be sometimes discouraging because I know that these are things that God has for me to do.I had a conversation with a friend and she stated that God   has graced me with time.  I didn’t quite know what she meant by it. I asked  her to explain. She simply responded that even though I have a lot on my plate the Lord has graced me with  extra time to get it all done. That made me  really think and started to watch my time because I really wanted to see God’s grace in my life for myself.

The next day I began to watch. That day consisted of

  1.  kids off to school
  2. gym 30 minute workout
  3. homework
  4. sleep
  5. dinner
  6. take girls to overnight care
  7. work

Well everything was going well until my daughter made it home from school almost an hour late. I knew that I had to be at work at a certain time and her being late was going to make me late for work.  I quietly said to myself  ” Lord I trust you” She walks in the door and was able to  shower and get pj’s on and  off to the babysitter we went.I was able to complete  all tasks,  make a cup of coffee and make it to wimageork with five minutes to spare. WOW !!  Thank you  Jesus! As  I was about to clock into work  the soft voice said to me ” My grace is sufficient” When God calls you to do  numerous tasks or   something that is  not in your power trust and believe that He will give you grace to complete the dead line.

Be  encouraged !




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